The room for improvement

ATHENATRFI, THE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT, is the new app for easily, independently and flexibly manage training load in cycling and triathlon.

Athena create individual and customize plan for everybody based on personal info and performance levels. It continuously ADAPTS as the users level changes. All levels of cyclists can use it: from professional to cycle-tourist.

Search on the browser or ATHENATRFI on the app store

  • Select plan
  • Email
  • Password-Confirm password
  • Surname
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Body weight and bike weight
  • Discipline (endurance=ultraendurance-ironman, endurance racing=granfondo-half ironman, high intensity=criterium-sprint and all short and fast efforts)
  • Training session time

Few and easy steps to get involved:

  • Connect Athena with STRAVA (from this moment, in HOME clicking on SYNCRO all the activity on Strava will be automatically imported in Athena)
  • In HOME click on PERFORMANCE PROFILE and fill in all the fields then SAVE

Now it’s time to START UP test! (OUTDOOR)

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding in the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before test day.
On the road, with powermeter and heart rate (with both is ideal), or only hear rate (watts will be estimated):
  • Choose a quiet road and be aware at all time of possible traffic (SAFETY FIRST)
  • 40’ of warm up (steady riding)
  • Test ideally should be carried out on a climb that is a 5/6% constant grade, ideally with no hairpin bends.
    (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result and save it in POWER PROFILE)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test (W1)
  • Day 2: 3’ test (W3)
  • Day 3: 5’ test (W5)
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation) (W12)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE)

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan!

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before test day.

On indoor cycling simulator (power needed+heart rate):
  • Connect your cycling simulator at your cycle computer
  • 20’ of warm up
  • Start the test (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test
  • Day 2: 3’ test
  • Day 3: 5’ test
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE)

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan!

How to perform test properly-(DURING THE SEASON, in order to keep updated parameters):

There are 2 type of test:
  • START UP TEST-1’,3’,5’,12’ (DAY 1 then roughly every 100 days thereafte). START UP TEST at day 1 is MANDATORY for start working properly (not mandatory those after)
    function: USER LEVEL CALCULATION (calculation starting)
    IMPORTANT: 12 days for finalising all 4 test, and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE
  • SET UP-3’,5’(at DAY 25 and every 25 days for 2 more times),not mandatory (but usefull)
    function: USER LEVEL CHECK (keep calibrated calculation)
    IMPORTANT: 6 days for finalising all 2 test, and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE

After the first START UP TEST the system will create your own plan taking into account the total training load required to improve and also how to distribute it over time so you reach the EQUILIBRIUM (training+freshness) and the best timing (EVENT):
The information is very easy to understand and execute in real context:
With this info you have all you need: total activity time, total workload and zones based on your FTP: This way you are free to train how you like but having the most important info on your pocket! While riding just check: your zones and kcal expenditure in relation to the activity time

VERY IMPORTANT: every activity (bike indoor or outdoor, test or other type of sport) needs to be recorded and uploaded (ideally power and heart rate)

After all fill in info and test execution, the calendar will be complete with all info:
By this view is possible to know easily the following 2 weeks plan by discipline and tot kcal daily planned.

Clicking on a day will be availabale the detail:
Training «giving»: all the info in the easiest way possible day by day

1- total timing
2- intensity (by zones)
3- total volume (by kcal)

PLEASE NOTE: don’t panic if is not possible to follow perfectly the plan: ATHENA will recalculate after every session, in order to keep training load and balance under control

VERY IMPORTANT TOOL: based on your need, that can change for many reasons daily, ATHENA have a specific tool, the time session changer, that allow to all users to change total activity time planned.
This feature will adapt kcal on current day and in all future days in order to maintain workload and equilibrium correctly actualized.

Register now!
ATHENATRFI, THE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT, is the new app for easily, independently and flexibly manage training load in cycling and triathlon.

Athena create individual and customize plan for everybody based on personal info and performance levels. It continuously ADAPTS as the users level changes. All levels of cyclists can use it: from professional to cycle-tourist.

Search on the browser or ATHENATRFI on the app store

  • Select plan
  • Email
  • Password-Confirm password
  • Surname
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Body weight and bike weight
  • Discipline (endurance=ultraendurance-ironman, endurance racing=granfondo-half ironman, high intensity=criterium-sprint and all short and fast efforts)
  • Training session time

Few and easy steps to get involved:

  • Connect Athena with STRAVA (from this moment, in HOME clicking on SYNCRO all the activity on Strava will be automatically imported in Athena)
  • In HOME click on PERFORMANCE PROFILE and fill in all the fields then SAVE

Now it’s time to START UP test! (OUTDOOR)

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding in the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before test day.
On the road, with powermeter and heart rate (with both is ideal), or only hear rate (watts will be estimated):
  • Choose a quiet road and be aware at all time of possible traffic (SAFETY FIRST)
  • 40’ of warm up (steady riding)
  • Test ideally should be carried out on a climb that is a 5/6% constant grade, ideally with no hairpin bends. (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result and save it in POWER PROFILE)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test (W1)
  • Day 2: 3’ test (W3)
  • Day 3: 5’ test (W5)
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation) (W12)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE)

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan!

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before test day.

On indoor cycling simulator (power needed+heart rate):
  • Connect your cycling simulator at your cycle computer
  • 20’ of warm up
  • Start the test (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day: 1’ test
  • Day 2: 3’ test
  • Day 3: 5’ test
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE)

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan!

How to perform test properly-(DURING THE SEASON, in order to keep updated parameters):

There are 2 type of test:
  • START UP TEST-1’,3’,5’,12’ (DAY 1 then roughly every 100 days thereafter). START UP TEST at day 1 is MANDATORY for start working properly (not mandatory those after)
    function: USER LEVEL CALCULATION (calculation starting)
    IMPORTANT: 12 days for finalising all 4 test, and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE
  • SET UP-3’,5’(at DAY 25 and every 25 days for 2 more times),not mandatory (but usefull)
    function: USER LEVEL CHECK (keep calibrated calculation)
    IMPORTANT: 6 days for finalising all 2 test, and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE


After the first START UP TEST the system will create your own plan taking into account the total training load required to improve and also how to distribute it over time so you reach the EQUILIBRIUM (training+freshness) and the best timing (EVENT):

The information is very easy to understand and execute in real context:
With this info you have all you need: total activity time, total workload and zones based on your FTP: This way you are free to train how you like but having the most important info on your pocket! While riding just check: your zones and kcal expenditure in relation to the activity time+specific interval for cycling

VERY IMPORTANT: every activity (bike indoor or outdoor, test or other type of sport) needs to be recorded and uploaded (ideally power and heart rate)

After all fill in info and test execution, the calendar will be complete with all info:

By this view is possible to know easily the following 2 weeks plan by discipline and tot kcal daily planned.

Click on a day will be availabale the detail:
PLUS user have one more tool than BASIC: custom intervals for all cycling session.

Training «giving»: all the info in the easiest way possible day by day

1- total timing
2- intensity (by zones)
3- total volume (by kcal)

PLEASE NOTE: don’t panic if is not possible to follow perfectly the plan: ATHENA will recalculate after every session, in order to keep training load and balance under control

VERY IMPORTANT TOOL: based on your need, that can change for many reasons daily, ATHENA have a specific tool, the time session changer, that allow to all users to change total activity time planned.
This feature will adapt kcal on current day and in all future days in order to maintain workload and equilibrium correctly actualized.

Register now!
ATHENATRFI, THE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT, is the new app for easily, independently and flexibly manage training load in cycling and triathlon.

Athena create individual and customize plan for everybody based on personal info and performance levels. It continuously ADAPTS as the users level changes. All levels of cyclists can use it: from professional to cycle-tourist.

Search on the browser or ATHENATRFI on the app store

  • Select plan
  • Email
  • Password-Confirm password
  • Surname
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Body weight and bike weight
  • Discipline (endurance=ultraendurance-ironman, endurance racing=granfondo-half ironman, high intensity=criterium-sprint and all short and fast efforts)
  • Training session time

If you are a COACH register as COACH

If you are an ATHLETE register as ATHLETE

ATHENA will allow the COACH to manage perfectly and easily every single workouts segment based on «tailor-made» PERIODIZATION for his ATHLETES. All is based on individual ATHLETE level.

ATHLETE can easily communicate with COACH, receive detailed workouts based on his needed and synchronize all the activity connecting ATHENA with STRAVA

First of all, ATHLETE must be linked to his coach, by this tool:

Coach will receive the request on the app and by email. After accepting it ATHLETE and COACH will be linked
Few and easy steps to get involved:

ATHLETE must connect ATHENA with STRAVA (from this moment, in HOME clicking on SYNCRO all the activity on Strava will be automatically imported here)

  • In HOME click on PERFORMANCE PROFILE and fill in all the fields then SAVE

Now it’s time to START UP test! (OUTDOOR)

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding in the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before first test day. On the road, with powermeter and heart rate (with both is ideal), or only hear rate (watts will be estimated):
  • Choose a quiet road and be aware at all time of possible traffic (SAFETY FIRST)
  • 40’ of warm up (steady riding)
  • Test ideally should be carried out on a climb that is a 5/6% constant grade, ideally with no hairpin bends.
    (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result and save it in POWER PROFILE)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test (W1)
  • Day 2: 3’ test (W3)
  • Day 3: 5’ test (W5)
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation) (W12)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE). BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan! BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before first test day.

On indoor cycling simulator (power needed+heart rate):
  • Connect your cycling simulator at your cycle computer
  • 20’ of warm up
  • Start the test (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test
  • Day 2: 3’ test
  • Day 3: 5’ test
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE). BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan! BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

How to perform test properly-(DURING THE SEASON, in order to keep updated parameters):

There are 2 type of test:
  • START UP TEST-1’,3’,5’,12’ (DAY 1 then roughly every 100 days thereafte). START UP TEST at day 1 is MANDATORY for start working properly (not mandatory those after)
    function: USER LEVEL CALCULATION (calculation starting)
    IMPORTANT: 12 days for finalising all 4 test, and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE
  • SET UP-3’,5’(at DAY 25 and every 25 days for 2 more times),not mandatory (but usefull)
    function: USER LEVEL CHECK (keep calibrated calculation)
    IMPORTANT: 6 days for finalising all 2 test , and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE


After the first START UP TEST the system will create your own plan taking into account the total training load required to improve and also how to distribute it over time so you reach the EQUILIBRIUM (training+freshness) and the best timing (EVENT):

VERY IMPORTANT: every activity (bike indoor or outdoor, test or other type of sport) needs to be recorded and uploaded (ideally power and heart rate)

COACH JOB starts now: in PERIODIZATION (in PERFORMANCE PROFILE) will find the suggested plan from now to last MAIN GOAL. Periodization giving is in weekly kj (kcal). COACH can change this parameter at will adapting the plan suggested on ATHLETE need.

Based on total kcal weekly, COACH can divide the total workload in daily training session:

In this example total weekly load is 9000kcal, cliking on the data on the blu line will appear the daily table where COACH can divide total weekly load as want/need.
Than back to the calendar and create daily workout as planned, in order to have ever training load perfectly checked:

After activity sinchronization the color will indicate the correlation between workout kcal planned by COACH and activity kcal outcome by ATHLETE. The difference works in that way:
0 - 10% green
11 - 20% yellow
>= 21% red

The blue button on the right is the total Weekly summary:
Tot Kcals planned in periodization Tot Kcals in workouts planned Tot Kcals really performed by ATHLETE

Tot Time planned in workouts Tot Time really performed by ATHLETE

Tot Effort Level Planned Tot Effort Level really performed by ATHLETE

Avg Intensity Avg Intensity really perfomed by ATHLETE

How it looks a day with workout created by COACH:
  • Kcal really performed to ATHLETE
  • Type of activity done by ATHLETE

  • Title insert by COACH
  • Tot kcal planned by COACH (can be the sum of more workouts in the same day)
  • In case of a bike workout detailed the graphic appears

Type of activity available: BIKE, STRENGHT, RUN, SWIM, OTHERS and WALK

How COACH can create detailed workouts:

Bike Workout Creator features:
Total Time
Kcal: (derived from the workout created by COACH, every single segment add will increase tot kcal)
Intensity: workout intensity, from 1-≃10, derived by kcal-tot time-FTP
Effective Power: the average power not considering watts under the 33% of FTP
Effort Level: session «fatigue», from 25-≃550, derived by kcal-tot time-FTP-intensity

Register now!
ATHENATRFI, THE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT, is the new app for easily, independently and flexibly manage training load in cycling and triathlon.

Athena create individual and customize plan for everybody based on personal info and performance levels. It continuously ADAPTS as the users level changes. All levels of cyclists can use it: from professional to cycle-tourist.

Search on the browser or ATHENATRFI on the app store

  • Select plan
  • Email
  • Password-Confirm password
  • Surname
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Body weight and bike weight
  • Discipline (endurance=ultraendurance-ironman, endurance racing=granfondo-half ironman, high intensity=criterium-sprint and all short and fast efforts)
  • Training session time

If you are a COACH register as COACH

If you are an ATHLETE register as ATHLETE

ATHENA will allow the COACH to manage perfectly and easily every single workouts segment based on «tailor-made» PERIODIZATION for his ATHLETES. All is based on individual ATHLETE level.

ATHLETE can easily communicate with COACH, receive detailed workouts based on his needed and synchronize all the activity connecting ATHENA with STRAVA

First of all, ATHLETE must be linked to his coach, by this tool:

Coach will receive the request on the app and by email. After accepting it ATHLETE and COACH will be linked
Few and easy steps to get involved:

ATHLETE must connect ATHENA with STRAVA (from this moment, in HOME clicking on SYNCRO all the activity on Strava will be automatically imported here)

  • In HOME click on PERFORMANCE PROFILE and fill in all the fields then SAVE

Now it’s time to START UP test! (OUTDOOR)

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding in the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before first test day. On the road, with powermeter and heart rate (with both is ideal), or only hear rate (watts will be estimated):
  • Choose a quiet road and be aware at all time of possible traffic (SAFETY FIRST)
  • 40’ of warm up (steady riding)
  • Test ideally should be carried out on a climb that is a 5/6% constant grade, ideally with no hairpin bends.
    (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result and save it in POWER PROFILE)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test (W1)
  • Day 2: 3’ test (W3)
  • Day 3: 5’ test (W5)
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation) (W12)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE). BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan! BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

How to perform test properly-Note: Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that prior to a test you have done at least 9 DAYS of riding the last 3 weeks and that you rest (dont ride) for the 2/3 days directly before first test day.

On indoor cycling simulator (power needed+heart rate):
  • Connect your cycling simulator at your cycle computer
  • 20’ of warm up
  • Start the test (VERY IMPORTANT: click on cycle computer the lap button at the beginning and at the finish of it-in that way Athena will calculate automatically the result)
  • Keep from the beginning a pace that permits to push till to the end of the timing expected
  • Day 1: 1’ test
  • Day 2: 3’ test
  • Day 3: 5’ test
  • Day 4: 12’ test (FTP and FT calculation)
  • After every test activity import, click on the duration related+save for activate the calculation (from now it will be saved in PERFORMANCE PROFILE). BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

  • Last step: when performed all test required CLICK SAVE ON PERFORMANCE PROFILE and let’s start with your own training plan! BOTH, ATHLETE AND COACH CAN SAVE TEST

How to perform test properly-(DURING THE SEASON, in order to keep updated parameters):

There are 2 type of test:
  • START UP TEST-1’,3’,5’,12’ (DAY 1 then roughly every 100 days thereafte). START UP TEST at day 1 is MANDATORY for start working properly (not mandatory those after)
    function: USER LEVEL CALCULATION (calculation starting)
    IMPORTANT: 12 days for finalising all 4 test, and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE
  • SET UP-3’,5’(at DAY 25 and every 25 days for 2 more times),not mandatory (but usefull)
    function: USER LEVEL CHECK (keep calibrated calculation)
    IMPORTANT: 6 days for finalising all 2 test , and CLICK SAVE in PERFORMANCE PROFILE


After the first START UP TEST the system will create your own plan taking into account the total training load required to improve and also how to distribute it over time so you reach the EQUILIBRIUM (training+freshness) and the best timing (EVENT):

VERY IMPORTANT: every activity (bike indoor or outdoor, test or other type of sport) needs to be recorded and uploaded (ideally power and heart rate)

COACH JOB starts now: in PERIODIZATION (in PERFORMANCE PROFILE) will find the suggested plan from now to last MAIN GOAL. Periodization giving is in weekly kj (kcal). COACH can change this parameter at will adapting the plan suggested on ATHLETE need.

Based on total kcal weekly, COACH can divide the total workload in daily training session:

In this example total weekly load is 9000kcal, cliking on the data on the blu line will appear the daily table where COACH can divide total weekly load as want/need.
Than back to the calendar and create daily workout as planned, in order to have ever training load perfectly checked:

After activity sinchronization the color will indicate the correlation between workout kcal planned by COACH and activity kcal outcome by ATHLETE. The difference works in that way:
0 - 10% green
11 - 20% yellow
>= 21% red

The blue button on the right is the total Weekly summary:
Tot Kcals planned in periodization Tot Kcals in workouts planned Tot Kcals really performed by ATHLETE

Tot Time planned in workouts Tot Time really performed by ATHLETE

Tot Effort Level Planned Tot Effort Level really performed by ATHLETE

Avg Intensity Avg Intensity really perfomed by ATHLETE

How it looks a day with workout created by COACH:
  • Kcal really performed to ATHLETE
  • Type of activity done by ATHLETE

  • Title insert by COACH
  • Tot kcal planned by COACH (can be the sum of more workouts in the same day)
  • In case of a bike workout detailed the graphic appears

Type of activity available: BIKE, STRENGHT, RUN, SWIM, OTHERS and WALK

How COACH can create detailed workouts:

Bike Workout Creator features:
Total Time
Kcal: (derived from the workout created by COACH, every single segment add will increase tot kcal)
Intensity: workout intensity, from 1-≃10, derived by kcal-tot time-FTP
Effective Power: the average power not considering watts under the 33% of FTP
Effort Level: session «fatigue», from 25-≃550, derived by kcal-tot time-FTP-intensity

Register now!

On ATHENA is possible to choose the right plan

ATHENA, The room for improvement, is the new web app for easily, independently and flexibly manage training load in cycling and triathlon

Our Vision

As endurance sports enthusiasts we want to share our knowledge arising from more than 25 years in sports at all levels.

Our Mission

Allow all enthusiast to manage easily and enjoy as much as possible endurance sports experience.

Get ready for upcoming events with ATHENA

ATHENA create individual and customize plan for everybody based on personal info and performance levels. It continuously ADAPTS as the users level changes. All levels of cyclists and triathletes can use it: from professional to cycle-tourist.

Your journey beyond your level!

If you need any further information, we will be happy to help!

ATHENA create individual and customize plan for everybody based on personal info and performance levels. It continuously ADAPTS as the users level changes. All levels of cyclists can use it: from professional to cycle-tourist.

Copyright © 2025 ATHENATRFI srl - all Rights Reserved - Via delle Sorgenti, 93 00046 Grottaferrata, Roma (Italy) - P.IVA 17045341009 CONTACT: MADE BY Foniagroup
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